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Facebook Messenger integration
Find out how to connect your AI chat to Facebook Messenger Integration.
Integrate and scale
Step 1: Set Up Your Trigger on Zapier
- Log into Zapier
- Create a New Zap by clicking ‘+ Create’ and select ‘Zaps’
- On the Zapier AI View, describe the Zap you would like to create, e.g ‘Add a prompt in Dante AI when a new message is sent to page in Facebook Messenger’
- On the Zapier Classic View, select the two apps you want to connect (Facebook Messenger/Dante AI) and decide your trigger events (New message sent to page/Add a Prompt’). Select ‘Try it’.
- Connect the Facebook Messenger account where you want Dante AI to be integrated.
- Choose the specific Facebook Messenger pages to be integrated.
- Click ‘Test Trigger’ to ensure it’s working. Click ‘Next’
- Then choose the Dante AI account you would like to link to or connect to a new account.
- Enter the name of the Dante AI chatbot that’s relevant to your Facebook Messenger channel.
- For the ‘Prompt’, select ‘Message Text’
- Select the GPT model type
- Select ‘Continue’ to test your integration.
Step 2: Finalize Integration
- Add a Final Step by adding another action under your first two actions, and pick ‘Facebook Messenger’ again.
- Choose ‘Send Message from page’ as the action event.
- Under ‘Action’ choose the page you want the messages to be posted from.
- Input the recipient ID. Please use the ID of the sender from the step above.
- Choose the message text
- Click ‘Continue’ and test this final step.
- Check your Facebook Messenger page to ensure that the test message is posted. If you see it, everything is set.
- If all checks out, hit publish, and your integration is complete.